The Discus Book News For All Dedicated Aquarists - Amazon USA Best Sellers!

Dear Google Tropical Fish Hobbyist Readers and Fans,

Very humbled to see today "The Discus Book" in the United States of America at No 12 today (24th July, 2014) on Amazon USA Best Sellers for Fish Care and Aquariums.

Since being first published in 1989 from my experiences and findings as a breeder of the Discus (symphysodon) and as an author where I recorded events for every aquarist continues to demonstrate the worth and value inside the book as a frank and honest informative guide based on experience first hand.

When I was breeding these amazing species the success derived from a number of factors coming together and all I revealed in the book for I did experience a reluctance from some to share ideas and knowledge sadly due to commercial interests.

Even though written 25 years ago the book is just perfect for every aquarist including beginners as we need more in the hobby of tropical fishkeeping and by applying some simple golden rules found in the book I know will be a great benchmark even today and perhaps we all need to sometimes pause and ask if some of the technologies today only benefit the vendor selling such items.

For I reflected last night and recall my breeding pairs enjoying life in bare bottom 24L x 21H x 18D aquariums a simple sponge filter only costing me £1.99 ($3.50), an inverted flower pot or oxydator, food I prepared and made myself in bulk with beef heart and a water change each day with natural day light in the day and light at night till about 10.00 pm and they thrived.

So taking a leaf out of the world of engineering, maybe the secret is keeping it simple!

If you would like to know more, by all means attain a copy of any of my Discus Books:-

The Discus Book 1st Edition (Paperback or Digital Kindle) here!

The Discus Book 2nd Edition (Paperback or Digital Kindle) here!

The Discus Book Tropical Fish Keeping Special (Paperback or Digital Kindle ) here!
Have A Great Day and Good Luck With Your Tropical Fish Keeping!

