Getting Inside Google's Head New Book Trailer News and Updates

Dear Google Blog Spot Users, Readers and Fans,

I finally completed yesterday the new book trailer for "Getting Inside Google's Head" and now available to view.

It is a candid and frank personal broadcasting feed and taking you through excerts from the new book.

I hope from viewing and listening to the production it will help folk decide on the true value of this book and written in a language that we can all understand.

Getting Inside Google's Head New Trailer Here!

For too long many web site owners have never really had control of their own enterprises online and relied upon others to deliver results. But this book takes the reader through the key elements step by step so you as a web site and enterprise business owner now knows what is required to gain the maxmum success in the way of increased web traffic resulting in more customers and sales.

94% of all web sites today could attract 3 to 4 times more web visitors and customers. We often tend to only explore such information when the writing is on the wall and often too late and where the web does not always have the answers or there is some commercial angle for helping you.

After a period of more than 20 years in the industry I was inspired to write "Getting Inside Google's Head" for many reasons. But none more so than cutting through the mythical utterings of technicalities often used to confuse or mislead and at the very root of the agenda to sell a service many web sites owners cannot afford.

The book is written for all enterprise, enthusiasts, organizations, Government Institutions and others for the advancement today of the World Wide Web in an efficient and cohesive fashion requires refinement and delivery of web sites and pages with little hindrance.

The book is very timely as it further endorses and echoes the efforts and endeavours of Google delivering content value and quality for their demanding Search Audience and where in just recent days and weeks the orgnaization have introduced a new set of Google Ratings Standards.

By reading the book available in Paperback and Digital and following the very easy and straight forward steps every web site will become faster and see increased web user traffic and in turn customers.

Your efforts as a webmaster, developer or owner will be appreciated by the data mining technology of Google and other search engines. But also just as importantly will also become a friend with web user rendering engine software such as Internet Explorer, Opera, Chrome, Firefox and others for these are the work horses of the web delivering your web pages and content to todays user.

To order your copy in Paperback or Digital, please use the following link with further insight and details for booksellers also to contact my wholesalers and distributors if you are not already yet stocking this informative and stylish tech accessory.

Available Now Here in Paperback, Digital and Wholesale Bookseller Details and Links!

Have A Great Weekend!

Alastair :)
